Why You Should Ask for a Sump Pump On Your Holiday Wishlist

Sump Pump Installation Is a High-Value Holiday Gift for Homeowners 

Looking for a practical holiday gift for a homeowner this winter? A sump pump may be a valuable holiday gift list item to consider purchasing for homeowners who struggle with water in their basement forming standing puddles or downright floods

A sump pump removes the water from the basement and pumps it outside the house. Sump pump replacement or installation can raise the home value and protect from water damage for years to come. 

Without a sump pump, the homeowner will be left mopping up the puddling water to prevent a flooded basement, which can be time-consuming and ineffective. Leaving puddles of water standing in the basement can lead to mold, mildew, and can negatively impact the structural integrity of the building. 

Why Sump Pump Installation Is Necessary   

Groundwater from precipitation can naturally gather on a cement basement floor. To keep this rainwater from causing water damage, installing a sump pump removes water from the house and pumps it outside.

For new sump pump installation, the basement first needs a water basin to be cut out of the floor, where the water will gather. As the basin fills with water, the sump pump removes it to the outside of the house. 

The Hazards of a Flooded Basement 

  • Mold and mildew
  • Respiratory problems
  • Accidental slips and falls
  • Electrocution
  • Property damage
  • Loss of structural integrity
  • Bug larvae grow in stagnant water

Which Kind of Sump Pump Is the Best?

pumpThere are a few different kinds of sump pumps. The right one for a home will depend on the structure itself and the environmental factors that contribute to the water gathering in the basement. 

Homes in heavily steep areas with a lot of groundwater runoff may need a larger and more powerful sump pump. When the sump pump is too small or not working efficiently, it will not keep the basement from flooding. 

Pedestal pumps sit above ground vs. submersible pumps which sit underground. Pedestal pumps are more affordable than submersibles, but they tend to break down more often partially because they are exposed and they can be damaged easier that way. It can also be more difficult to find a good place in the basement for a pedestal pump because they sit above-ground. 

Submersible pumps are more expensive than pedestal pumps, with the trade-off for the higher price tag being that they are more powerful and long-lasting. Submersible pumps sit directly in the basin of water. 

The water helps to cool down the motor for long-lasting performance. Homes with a lot of water runoff in their basement may need a submersible pump, as a pedestal pump may not pack enough power. 

Do You Need a Backup Sump Pump?pump

Just like any other piece of home hardware, sometimes a sump pump can stop working. Some sump pumps require electricity to power the motor, so when the power goes out, the sump pump stops too. In the case of a power blackout or a malfunction, having a backup sump pump may be necessary to prevent the basement from flooding. 

About G.F. Bowman, Inc. 

G.F. Bowman, Inc. is a trusted local plumbing company that offers comprehensive plumbing services at fair prices from expert plumbers. Call them today for sump pump services in Harrisburg, PA!

Winter Is on Its Way! Is Your Boiler Ready?

How Boiler Service Can Keep Your Home Cozy in Winter

Now that the temperatures outside are getting lower, many homeowners wonder how their heating system works. Is it operating at max efficiency? Is it keeping the house warm enough? An expert boiler repair service can help answer these questions.

A boiler consists of a system of lines, taps, and radiators, sometimes built into the floors of homes. Hot water is pumped through the system. It is then recycled, reheated, and run back through the system. This intricate system needs regular boiler maintenance and service to ensure proper functioning so that homeowners don’t find themselves left out in the cold this winter!

The Pros of Boiler Installation and Systems

A boiler system is a good choice for any home size. With pros like control over which areas should be heated, plus the lower maintenance needs, there are many reasons to schedule boiler installation this year! When compared to forced air heat, a few other benefits of boilers are: 

  • Radiant heat is more comfortable, consistent, and evenly distributed throughout the home
  • Better indoor air quality - no dust, allergens, or other particles being circulated through the ductwork or home
  • Quieter than forced-air systems
  • Less expensive to run
  • No filters to change!

A trained boiler maintenance technician can make the best recommendation on the type of boiler and radiant heat system that will work for any home.

A Common Problem That May Require Boiler Maintenanceboiler

The first serious issue that could arise with a boiler is a pesky leak. Small parts to a boiler, like valves and seals, will degrade and wear down. Sometimes the damaged valve or seal is simply caused by usage and the passing of time. These little internal parts can cause big problems though!

A leak that has developed around the system’s pipes could be caused by corrosion. There could also be an issue with how the system is installed. More serious leaks and damage to seals may require a new boiler altogether. Only a boiler installer can provide this service, so it is advised that a trained engineer help identify and fix any issues right away. 

Tips to Keep a Boiler Running More Efficiently tips

Efficiency, efficiency, efficiency! It’s a hot topic for heating systems, no pun intended. If homeowners want to keep bills low and extend the life of a unit, efficiency is key. A few ideas for keeping a boiler in tip-top shape and maximizing performance are shared below.

“Bleed” the radiators. While this sounds scary, it’s pretty simple and will release air that’s become stuck in the pipes. The result of this release will increase the heating efficiency of the system. What this all means is better heating and lower bills!

Control the temperature. Simply turning the thermostat down by only one degree can provide savings each month. Try setting the thermostat at the lowest comfortable temperature.

Schedule boiler service. Regular boiler maintenance is the ultimate way to ensure a boiler operates effectively while prolonging the life of a heating system.

About G.F. Bowman, Inc.

G.F. Bowman, Inc. has provided top-quality boiler installation, boiler maintenance, and boiler service to the Cleona, PA area since 1967. Their HVAC technicians are NATE-Certified and offer flat rates for various HVAC, plumbing, and heating services.

Bring Halloween Together With These Bathroom Decorating Ideas!

Turn the Bathroom into a Spooky Surprise Guests Will Love!

Decorating the home for Halloween is one of the best parts of the season. Many homeowners love to get in the spirits of the season with interior and exterior decorations! However, some homes skip over the bathroom or don’t spend as much time decorating it. Rather, they put a spooky scented candle in the room and call it a day. Of course, it is crucial that homeowners also make sure their bathroom plumbing is ready for all the guests this season with fall maintenance! Still, here are some truly great Halloween bathroom decorating ideas for everyone to enjoy! 

Don’t Leave the Toilet Out of the Fun! toilet

Depending on the level of scary homeowners are trying to go for, there are many different things they can do to decorate their toilet this Halloween. 

Some homeowners dress the back of their toilet up to look like Freddy Krueger or some other horror movie character. There are also cockroach wall decals homeowners can place on the walls and toilet to make it look like cockroaches are going into or crawling out of the toilet. 

There are also Halloween-themed stickers, and vinyl homeowners can buy to decorate their toilets. They come in all different styles for homeowners to choose from as well. They could even try decorating the toilet roll holder to make it look like a pair of hands is holding the toilet paper up. 

Showers Can Be Spooky Too!shower

One of the hottest bathroom decor items this Halloween season is a shower mat. This specific type of shower mat the homeowner places just outside the shower so when the person steps out with their wet feet, the water shows up red on the white mat. It makes it look like the person is dripping blood everywhere when it’s just water. 

Alongside this horror decoration masterpiece, here are a few other ideas to decorate the shower: 

  • Bloody weapon and cut off feet and hand garlands to hang in the shower
  • Custom shower curtains to look like almost anything
  • If homeowners are having a party, they can create a “body bag” by filling a trash bag and wrapping it with rope to look like a person is inside, and then place that inside the bathtub
  • Bloody handprint wall decals

Cryptic Mirror Messages and Other Accessories

Bathrooms are always better with a few candles as well! There are spooky-themed candle scents for Halloween, but the long candlestick candles are a great visual. There are tons of fun Halloween-themed accessories for homeowners to choose from, including soap dispensers, shower curtain holders, and toothbrush holders. There are even Halloween-themed shower caddies! 

Another fun way homeowners can decorate and scare guests is to write cryptic messages on the mirror. The fun doesn’t stop there, though. Homeowners come up with new and creative ways to decorate every year. These are just some of the fun ideas out there! 

G.F. Bowman, Inc. Is There To Help!

Regardless of the plumbing issue, G.F Bowman, Inc. provides top-rated service for their Harrisburg, PA customers. They’ve provided quality service since 1967 and are now a trusted part of the community. They are there to help. Give them a call today for heating service!

Tips for National Wellness Month and Gas Safety

How Homeowners Can Protect Themselves and Their Homes From Deadly Gas Leaks

August is National Wellness Month, which means that it’s time to focus on all aspects of wellness. This includes both mental and physical health for everyone in the household. And since it’s National Wellness Month, there’s no better time to brush up on gas safety. Gas leaks are incredibly dangerous, and they’re made doubly so when homeowners don’t know the signs and the steps to take when they experience a gas leak in their home. This article will cover signs of a leak, what to do about a gas leak, and discuss leak detection services. 

Warning Signs of a Gas Leak

Various warning signs can clue homeowners into the fact that they have a gas leak. Gas companies add a harmless chemical to natural gas that gives the otherwise odorless gas a foul smell similar to sulfur or rotten eggs. This is one telltale sign that there’s a leak. Other signs include a hissing sound or a cloud of white dust near a gas appliance or fixture. Dead houseplants can also indicate a gas leak.

There are also some physical signs that there’s a gas leak. People often feel nauseous, tired, and ill when there’s a gas leak in the home. They may also feel dizzy, drowsy, and develop a headache. Gas leaks can also cause pain in the chest, trouble breathing, throat and eye irritation, and blistering of the skin. Pets may also act strange, showing a loss of appetite, dizziness, and changes in normal behavior. 

What To Do About a Gas Leakon the phone

Homeowners that determine without question that they have a gas leak should immediately evacuate all people and pets from the home. This is the most important thing to do because staying in the house can cause serious injury or death. It’s also a good idea to leave a couple of doors or windows open to air out the gas to prevent the possibility of an explosion. Once outside, they should call emergency services and the gas company to have the gas shut off and a gas leak detection service. 

If there’s only a suspected gas leak, it’s a good idea to open windows to see if any of the signs and symptoms above dissipate as the home is aired out. If they do, or if those in the home can leave the home and feel better, then there’s most likely a gas leak. In this case, they should follow the evacuation instructions above. In cases of a gas leak, it’s better to be safe than sorry. If multiple people exhibit the symptoms listed above, it’s best to get everyone out of the home.  

How Does Professional Gas Leak Detection Work?plumber

Homeowners that suspect or know that they have a gas leak should always consult a professional leak detection service. Even if they know where the leak is, one leaking line usually means that other leaks are likely. This is why it’s important to use a professional company. Not only does it give homeowners peace of mind, but it allows them to make sure that everything is safe and secure. 

Gas leaks can happen for any number of reasons. Gas lines, like plumbing lines, require care and maintenance for safety and prevention. And having a professional plumbing company inspect the gas lines and find leaks is the best way to ensure that the home is safe from unexpected gas leaks. 

About G.F. Bowman, Inc. 

G.F. Bowman, Inc. has been serving Harrisburg, PA since 1967. They offer honest service performed by trusted technicians. They offer permanent solutions and are always aiming for the utmost in customer satisfaction. Contact them today to learn more about gas leak detection services

Three Top Smart Thermostats for the Home

Check Out the Latest in Home Air Conditioning: Smart Thermostats 

More and more, the world seems to be right at a person’s fingertips. The advent of smartphone technology has given people the ability to be in touch with most things almost all the time. Now that many people carry around a micro-sized computer in their bag or back pocket, more companies and services have joined the app store. Even in the world of central heating and air conditioning, this technology is being used. The invention of the smart thermostat helps homeowners keep their homes comfortable and save money.

Peace of Mind with the Honeywell Home T5+ Smart Thermostatthermostat

While one can access all smart thermostats via a phone app, Honeywell has provided one app for all of its various smart technologies. The T5+ Smart Thermostat has several major selling points. These include:

  • Voice Control Compatible:  through Siri, Cortana, and Alexa (among others)
  • Geofencing: This allows the thermostat to track the owner’s smartphone and start making the home comfortable when they are getting close.
  • Energy Saving: The geofencing feature is largely because energy is not wasted on an empty house.
  • Alerts: When filters need to be replaced or other problems happen with the system, the thermostat lets the homeowner know.

Price: $110- $160

Ecobee Adds Convenient Extras with Their Smart Thermostat with Voice Control 

thermostatWillis Carrier never would have predicted that his “Apparatus for Treating Air” would play music or answer phone calls. Today as technology moves more and more towards integration, Ecobee has provided some of these features built-in with their Ecobee Smart Thermostat with Voice Control.
  • Voice Control: Alexa is built right in for convenience, but the system also works with other home systems such as Apple Home Kit.
  • Smart Sensor: Detects the presence of occupants and adjusts the temperature for comfort or for energy saving. 
  • Learning: Automatically adapts to the schedule of the people within the home.
  • Extras: Comes standard with Spotify and excellent speakers.

Price:  $249.99

The Thermostat that “Programs Itself:” Google Nest Learning Thermostat

The Google Nest Learning Thermostat was one of the first of its kind. It was first to be Energy Star certified and claims to save energy both while heating and cooling. So much so that this thermostat is said to pay for itself in two years. Below are the major features of the Google Nest Learning Thermostat:

  • Seven Colors: Stainless Steel, Mirrored Black, White, Brass, Copper, Polished Steel, Black  
  • Programs Itself: Use for a week. Adjust temps via the thermostat and the Nest app to show preferences, and the thermostat takes it from there. 
  • Tracking: Tracks the energy usage in the home to allow homeowners to discover trends and make informed decisions to save energy and money. It also uses the smartphone to track location for energy saving.
  • Display: Senses when an occupant walks into the room and lights up to show time, weather, and indoor temperature settings.

Price: $249

About G.F. Bowman, Inc.

This family-owned business has been serving the Harrisburg, PA area since 1967 when it was run out of the Bowman garage. Their knowledge and experience with up-to-date technology mean they can answer any questions customers may have and assist them in choosing the right thermostat or other appliance for their home.